Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [May 1, 2024]

Thank you for visiting This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information when you use our website.

By accessing or using, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms outlined herein, please do not access or use our website.

1. Information We Collect:

a. Personal Information: We may collect personal information, such as your name and email address, when you voluntarily provide it to us. This occurs when you subscribe to our newsletter, leave comments on our blog posts, or engage in other interactive features on the site.

b. Log Files: Like many other websites, we collect data contained in log files. This information includes your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider), the browser you used to visit our site, the time you visited our site, and which pages you visited throughout our site.

c. Cookies: We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Cookies are small files stored by your web browser that provide a personalized experience by remembering your preferences and actions.

2. How We Use Your Information:

a. Personalization: We use the collected information to personalize your experience on our website, such as providing customized content and improving our overall user experience.

b. Communication: If you provide your email address, we may use it to send you information and updates related to your interests. This includes occasional company news, updates, or related product or service information.

3. Cookies and Web Beacons

Like any other website, uses “cookies”. These cookies are used to store information including visitors’ preferences, and the pages on the website that the visitor accessed or visited. The information is used to optimize the users’ experience by customizing our web page content based on visitors’ browser type and/or other information.

4. How We Protect Your Information:

We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

5. Google DoubleClick DART Cookie

Google is one of a third-party vendor on our site. It also uses cookies, known as DART cookies, to serve ads to our site visitors based upon their visit to and other sites on the internet. However, visitors may choose to decline the use of DART cookies by visiting the Google ad and content network Privacy Policy at the following URL –

6. CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information)

Under the CCPA, among other rights, California consumers have the right to:

Request that a business that collects a consumer’s personal data disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal data that a business has collected about consumers.

Request that a business delete any personal data about the consumer that a business has collected.

Request that a business that sells a consumer’s personal data, not sell the consumer’s personal data.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

7. GDPR Data Protection Rights

We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

8. Children’s Information

Another part of our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity. does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

9. Your Choices:

You can choose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings. However, this may affect how you interact with our site.

10. Third-Party Links:

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any linked sites.

Updates to This Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update or change this Privacy Policy at any time. The most recent version will be posted on this page with the effective date.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Thank you for entrusting with your information.