5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of technology, AI applications on smartphones have become a game-changer. As we step into 2024, a plethora of AI apps are available to enhance the functionality of both iPhones and Android devices. Whether you’re looking to streamline tasks, enhance creativity, or simply make your day-to-day activities more efficient, these top AI apps are worth exploring. Here’s a look at the 5 best AI apps for iPhone and Android in 2024.

Key Takeaways

  • ChatGPT offers personalized and interactive communication.
  • Microsoft Copilot serves as an integrated productivity booster across various Microsoft applications.
  • Perplexity AI provides nuanced and context-aware search capabilities.
  • Grammarly ensures your writing is error-free and effectively communicated.
  • Otter.ai enhances note-taking with real-time transcription and organization features.

1. ChatGPT

5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024 ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI in November 2022, is a robust chatbot built on the GPT-3 family of large language models. These models are trained on extensive text data, enabling ChatGPT to generate realistic and coherent conversations. It’s perfect for a variety of uses, from answering questions to crafting creative content.

ChatGPT is constantly learning and improving, aiming to provide informative and comprehensive responses to even the most challenging queries. It’s particularly useful for customer service, content creation, and virtual companionship.

Key Features

  • Professional-grade content generation
  • Coherent and contextually relevant text
  • Suitable for various professional and personal tasks

What We Like About ChatGPT

  • Versatility and quick responses
  • Creative solutions and ease of use
  • Helpful across various tasks and industries

Who Is ChatGPT Best For?

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Creative writers
  • Anyone looking to interact with AI on mobile devices

ChatGPT is not just a tool but a companion that adapts and grows with your needs.

Community Reviews and Ratings

Users appreciate ChatGPT for its versatility, quick responses, and the ability to handle a wide range of tasks effectively.


  • Free download
  • $20/month for premium features

2. Microsoft Copilot

5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024 Microsoft Copilot is not just another AI app; it’s a powerhouse that leverages OpenAI’s most advanced language model, GPT-4 Turbo. This app is free to use and offers a plethora of features that make it a standout choice. It functions like a search engine but with the added flair of AI, providing information on current events and the ability to generate images within the chat interface.

Key Features:

  • Access to the internet for real-time information
  • Multi-modal inputs including text and images
  • Plugin support for services like OpenTable and Instacart


Microsoft Copilot is free, but for those who need uninterrupted access during peak times, there’s a Copilot Pro subscription available for $20 per month.

When you need an AI that can keep up with the pace of current events and provide detailed source links, Microsoft Copilot is your go-to app.

3. Perplexity AI

5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024 Perplexity AI, known as ‘Perplexity: Ask Anything’, is a versatile AI chatbot available on both Android and iOS platforms. It’s designed to cater to a wide range of users, from students and professionals to researchers and the casually curious. With its primary functionality as a chatbot, Perplexity AI stands out by providing real-time access to information, generating text, and handling translation tasks across various languages.

Key Features:

  • Guided AI search and voice/text queries
  • Threaded discussions for deeper insights
  • Cited sources for all information
  • Community learning and a personal library


  • Free version available
  • Pro version: Monthly – $20 or Yearly – $200

User Experience:

Users appreciate the straightforward interface of Perplexity AI. The chatbot is easy to use; simply type your query into the ‘ask anything’ box to get started. Despite some reports of irrelevant suggestions, the overall feedback highlights its efficiency and reliability.

Perplexity AI saves you time and hassle by providing sources for all of its information, ensuring that what you receive is accurate and trustworthy.

4. Grammarly

5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024 Grammarly isn’t just another app on your phone; it’s like having a personal writing coach in your pocket. The Grammarly Keyboard offers real-time suggestions for catching and fixing grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. It also enhances relationships with tone analysis and works seamlessly with your favorite apps, ensuring better writing experiences.

What We Like About Grammarly

Grammarly’s AI-driven features are designed to elevate your writing. It serves as a personal writing coach that identifies potential areas of improvement and offers context-specific guidance. From confirming your sentences are easy to understand to finding stronger word choices, Grammarly’s goal is to make your writing clearer, more effective, and error-free.

Key Features

  • Real-time grammar and spell-checking capabilities.
  • Suggestions for clarity, tone adjustment, and concise wording.
  • Available on both Android and iOS platforms.

Grammarly is much more than your standard spellchecker. Powered by AI, it analyzes your writing to offer suggestions that go far beyond simple correctness.

Who Is Grammarly Best For?

The Grammarly mobile app is perfect for students, professionals, and anyone seeking to improve their communication skills. It’s an excellent resource for bolstering writing abilities.

Community Reviews and Ratings

Grammarly’s real-time grammar and spell-checking capabilities earn appreciation from its users on platforms like G2 and Capterra. These suggestions enhance the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of their writing.

5. Otter.ai

5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024 Otter.ai is your go-to app for recording and transcribing meetings, lectures, and conversations with ease. It’s perfect for anyone who needs to keep track of discussions without the hassle of manual note-taking. Available on both iPhone and Android, Otter.ai offers seamless integration with platforms like Zoom and Google Meet, making it incredibly useful for remote communication.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Transcription
  • Automatic Speaker Identification
  • Searchable Notes
  • Ability to annotate, share, and edit transcripts

Otter.ai not only simplifies your note-taking process but also enhances your productivity by allowing you to focus more on the conversation and less on jotting down every word.

With a straightforward pricing of $10 per month, Otter.ai provides a cost-effective solution for students, professionals, and anyone in between who values detailed and accessible meeting notes.

Wrapping It Up

5 Best AI Apps for iPhone and Android in 2024 As we’ve explored the top AI apps for iPhone and Android in 2024, it’s clear that the future of mobile technology is incredibly exciting. These apps not only enhance our daily tasks but also introduce us to new ways of interacting with technology. Whether you’re into productivity, creativity, or just looking for a new tech toy to play with, there’s something on this list for everyone. So, go ahead and give these apps a whirl; you might just find a new favorite that can transform the way you use your smartphone!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT offers conversational AI capabilities, enabling users to engage in human-like text interactions across various topics.

How does Microsoft Copilot enhance productivity?

Microsoft Copilot integrates with office tools to automate tasks and provide intelligent suggestions, boosting workplace efficiency.

What unique features does Perplexity AI offer?

Perplexity AI specializes in providing clear, concise answers to complex queries, leveraging advanced natural language understanding.

How can Grammarly improve writing skills?

Grammarly offers real-time grammar, punctuation, and style suggestions to help users refine their writing and avoid common mistakes.

What makes Otter.ai stand out for voice transcription?

Otter.ai provides accurate real-time speech-to-text transcription and generates searchable transcripts from audio recordings.

Are these AI apps free to use?

Some of these AI apps offer free versions with basic features, while more advanced features might require a paid subscription.

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